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Saturday, 30 March 2013

Best Social Bookmarking For SEO


1. There are hundreds of social bookmarking websites are available.

2. For the sake of simplicity, we will only submit your website URL to 10 of the better ones.

3. You will need to create an account on each of these (if you do not have one already).

4. In your bookmarking account, you might want to add their ‘bookmark button’ to your browser toolbar as well for future ease of use or add your feed in their site directly.

Example Bookmarking Sites:

1. Digg

2. Delicious

3. Google

4. Yahoo

5. Jumptags

6. Blink-list

7. Newsvine

8. Reditt

Instruction to Submit Bookmark:

Look for the ‘submit link’ or ‘submit website’ link/button once you are logged into each of these website. Submitting your website link to each of these will usually consists of providing the following information:

1. Title:

* Your website’s title(you can give your user understandable title).

2. URL:

* The ‘www’ address that people type in the address bar of their browser to get to your website or web page.

3. Description:

* A brief description of your website or web page.

4. Keywords:

* Use your SIX keyword phrases here, separated by a ‘comma ‘or a ‘space’. Look at the label on the form, it should tell you how to separate word phrases.

5. Tags:

* Use your 5 tag names related to your post.

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